Because I'm tired of hearing myself think about the same things over and over again, this is my attempt to enable some of these thoughts to escape. To be heard.
At school, I was told the importance, on many occasions, of lifelong learning. I was very diligent in affirming that I would indeed always do just that. Sure, I would attend conferences relating to my field of work. Sure, I would stay up-to-date on the 'latest' in order to better attend to people's needs. Sure, I would read book after book in order to further my intellect on a variety of topics.
Now, however, I am, once again, experiencing this for myself.
When we, as human beings, as students, as professionals, are challenged, something inside of us awakens and yearns. Yearns for more, for deeper, for clarification. We step outside of ourselves, taking on the mindset of another being, another idea that, previously, we hadn't given the chance to present itself to us. Light is shed, truth is clarified or questioned.
I'm being challenged right now. Some days, I love it. Other days, I dread it. It's not always a great feeling to think that you have it together, you know what's up, and for that to get punctured. It makes it harder to stand your ground, solidify questions with answers, and to be one who is looked up to. On the otherhand, challenge, as much dissonance that it sure causes, brings about clarity. And clarity, my friends, feels solid. It feels as if puzzle pieces begin to come together, the shoe starts to fit, and the shaking ground underneath slowly comes to a halt.
We don't challenge ourselves enough, and we sure as heck don't allow others to challenge us enough. Stepping outside our box, stripping ourselves from the comfortable, that's what brings about rejuvenation.
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