Wednesday, March 9, 2011

truth in love.

If I were asked to describe myself, select words come to mind, a few of them sticking out clearly.
Unique, transparent, confrontational, truthful.

First of all, let me just say that I'm a fool.

Lately, I question my authenticity. When comparing myself to others (which, ps, I'm also trying to consciously put a hault to), I tend to think that I'm pretty much myself regardless of person or situation, don't care about what others think (in the self-confident kind of way, not the I'm-better-than-you kind of way), and say what's on my mind ( filter). Overall, I fool myself into believing that I'm not hiding behind my insecurities when, in reality, they exist in multitudes.

Because I want people to know that I know what they're about to feel when I speak abnormally, I preface. I warn them of what's about to be said. I see it as 'walking in their shoes' when, again, in reality, I care so much about what they will think that I can't just simply speak my mind without knowing/thinking/feeling/glimpsing into their mind in the same regard.

I long for authenticity. I want it for myself and I want it for those around me. Heck, I want it from people. I can't think of a better quality to possess. Why are we not real? Why do we not dig deep, pushing surface level crap to the side? Why do we not let anyone, even our dearest loved ones, in on our insecurities? We hide and try to prove to ourselves, in our own minds, even to the point of arguing that we are revealed. If I'm hiding, I sure as heck know the person next to me is hiding. And the person next to him. Why do we allow people or situations to shape us into something we know we're not? We'll just 'let it slide' because we care too much about our own pride for anyone to ever think we might actually have a legitimate say that is different.

Revealing our true colors, consciously allowing ourselves, is what it's all about. Regardless of person, place, situation, or circumstance. I don't doubt for a second that there is absolutely nothing that is in the darkness, not yet in the light, that is healthy. Heck, if you're thinkin' it, you may as well say it. It will save a heck of a lot of time, heartache, and most importantly, misperceptions.

"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ" (Ephesians 4:15).

Key phrase: in love.

Going hand in hand with truth, is love. Let's be realistic in saying that we can't just walk around spitting out every thought that comes to mind. We're human, sinful, and always falling short, extremely full of deceit, malice, and ignorance. There is a way to deliver, to be authentic, without being all of the above.

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32).

There must be a level of accountability, a balance between truth and love. Too much truth, not enough love. Too much love, not enough truth. We have to know who we are in Christ, who he has made us to be, who we strive to be, and act out of love. Why?

.we are because Jesus was.

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