I visited my family's church this weekend. When I was sitting in the pews, waiting my turn for Communion, something caught my eye. Something that wouldn't typically be seen in the middle of a church service. The organist walked up front in her socks. No shoes. In front of the whole congregation. For a split second, maybe less than a split second, I thought to myself, "Hmm that's weird. You'd think she would have taken time to put her shoes back on for Communion." Then, it hit me.
She was walking to her Father's table. Comfortable. Relaxed. Just a little bit more herself. Approaching him knowing that she was still welcome. Knowing that he welcomes his children no matter their outfit, their size, their mood, their mess-ups. Shoes or no shoes.
God doesn't see us like the world sees us. He looks on the inside, at the heart, at what matters.
I know I feel most myself when I'm stripped of everything that this world tells me makes me look better. When I'm with people that I love. When I know that I'm accepted despite what I look like or what my attitude happens to be that day. When I can be goofy and strange and not have to filter what comes out of my mouth. When I'm me.
We can go to our Father in the exact same way. We can go to him completely raw, completely ourselves. Remember, he is a personal God. On our level.
We can go to him shoeless.
Ps.....I'm gonna pray for a shoeless Communion...one day.
My Father has gone up to communion without shoes along with other organists and church but I have never looked at in this way. I like, Min!