I just got out of bed to write this because this is literally what just popped into my mind & I know how to express it. right now.
You know what drives me insane? Hypocrites.
You know what drives me even more insane? The fact that I am one.
But, what really, really just absolutely fries my gourd......the perception that Christians are, slash have to be, perfect. (I guess this is all stemming from the fact that my little ears keep hearing, "Christians are hypocrites.")
Here's the thing that makes someone a Christian- knowing he/she is a sinner, in desperate need of a Savior. That was the whole stinkin' point of Jesus coming to this earth, being born, dying, rising. Otherwise, pointless. Christ was thee atonement for our SINS...plural, happening more than once, on a day-to-day occasion, on purpose, on accident, to loved ones, to enemies, for selfish reasons, for personal gain.
I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing (Galatians 2:21).
Jesus came because he wanted to get rid of the old way of the law that said we had to do something to receive eternal life. If this were the case, the old way, then there would be no way in heck that we would receive eternal life because we can't keep the law; it's not possible by our sinfully-human-selves. Thus, our sin would have damned us. For good. Forever.
BUT, praise be to Jesus, that he DID come to die, to be that atonement for us. He saw that we were going to be sinners....all the dang time. He knew that, and that's why he wanted to save us. So, he did.
Botton line. I'm a sinner. And I'm good at it. Thoughts go through my mind that are dirty, awful, and downright disgusting. I'm a hypocrite. I read God's Word and somewhere deep down there is a desire for me to follow it. But, clouding that desire, is my human desire to go against it. I go to church and profess my faith. But, I leave church and go right on sinning.
Sure, true faith is love expressed through 'deeds or good works'. And I pray that all of God's children strive to do so.
But, at the end of the day, as I'm about to lay my head on my pillow, I am comforted. Not in the fact that I am a sinner or that I mess up. But in the fact that I, this girl who shoves her heavenly Father to the side day in and day out, I, my dear friends, have a Savior!
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